Saturday, July 30, 2011

Weekly Update

At the beginning of the summer I set a goal for myself--to quilt, crochet, or otherwise craft for the duration of one CD of an audiobook every day until school started. This being a little more ambitious than I could handle, I have since modified that goal--to quilt, crochet, or otherwise craft every day--even if it's only a couple minutes. And this past week was a success!

Sunday: 3 hours crochet
Monday: 2 blocks of Black and White and Red All Over and 2 hours crochet
Tuesday: 2 hours of Pink Jungle Quilt and 4 blocks of BWRAO
Wednesday: 4 hours crochet, 1/2 hour of layout/planning
Thursday: 1 block of BWRAO, 4 hours folding fabric
Friday: 1 hour crochet, 1 hour organizing the sewing room
Saturday: 1 block of BWRAO, 20 minutes crochet

A few days (noticably today) I slacked off a bit, but all in all, not too shabby!

1 comment:

  1. What a great goal!! As you wisely learned, the important part, is to at least do a little crafting everyday...and progress will happen!

    Deb from
