I've got four blocks and a border left before the top of Black and White and Red All Over is finished... so close. And yet... that fabric I bought the other day? The really cute Christmas fabric? Yeah, I started a new project. It's adorable! And small! And it'll be finished by tomorrow at the latest... But now that I've moved on, I don't want to go back to BWRAL. It's not that I don't like it--I do. I'm really looking forward to see how it turns out. But it's not new and fresh and exciting like all the other ideas swirling around in my head.
And when I went out today, I was bad. Again. I realize that Thomas Kincade is not considered a "real" artist by anyone who at least makes a stab at having good taste in art. But I have to admit that I love his Disney artwork. (Okay, I just love Disney in general.) And I found a cross stitch pattern for a Kincade Beauty and the Beast scene! So adorable! Must. Resist. Urge. To. Start. Working. On. Immediately. We'll see how long I hold out...
But at least I finished the Christmas scarf I have been working on the past couple weeks... I was watching Castle, sniffling at a cute proposal scene while tying in the ends. Now to wrap it, label it, and stick it on the "Completed Christmas Presents" shelf... and pull out a different color yarn and start working on another (slightly different) one. I really hate this yarn, but it works so well with the pattern that I keep buying it.
I think I'll keep Castle-ing while I'm working on the next one. Castle and Kate bickering makes for a great crafting soundtrack...
Castle does indeed make a great crafting soundtrack!!! Happy Crafting :)