Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Back in the 1760s, a fellow named James Hargreaves invented the "Spinning-Jenny," which was kind of a big deal, as it allowed someone to spin multiple threads while using only one spinning wheel.

Fast forward a couple centuries, and in the 1980s, God (with an assist from a lovely young couple named Rob and Heidi) created a Quilting Jenny, which was not quite as big a deal, historically speaking. She learned to sew, crochet, and cross-stitch from her mother, and eventually, armed with a sewing machine and a pile of books, ventured off into the wide world of quilting.

This blog is meant to chronicle that journey. I hope you'll come along for the ride (or at least for the pictures of gorgeous fabric and an adorable basset hound).

I'm Jenny--the twenty-something wife of a wonderful Coast Guard officer (who is, incidentally, an enabler, and encourages the purchases of fabric, notions, yarn, quilt books, and new sewing machines when what I really need is someone to tell me no). We currently are stationed in Pensacola, Florida, where we are working on our happily ever after, accompanied by our hound, His Drooliness, George Gordon Lord Bryon.


  1. Great start, Jenny. I'm looking forward to following along! :D
